damage after the application of thermal shock testing shall result in the rejection of the first
article (see 4.3.4).
4.5.6 Vibration, high frequency. Stud terminals shall be tested in accordance with
method 204 of MIL-STD-202 (see 3.7). The following details and exceptions shall apply:
(a) Mounting of specimens - As specified in 4.5.2.
(b) Test condition D.
(c) Electrical load conditions, if required (see 6.2).
(d) Motion - In each of two mutually perpendicular directions, one perpendicular to, and
the other parallel to the longitudinal axis of the terminal.
(e) Examination and measurements - Terminals shall be visually examined for evidence
of cracking, breaking, and loosening of parts. Terminal studs exhibiting such mechanical
damage after the application of high frequency vibration shall result in the rejection of the first
article (see 4.3.4).
4.5.7 Torque. When stud terminals are mounted as specified in 4.5.2, the torque
shall then be examined for turning within the sleeves, and the terminals shall be examined for
turning within the mounting. Both the sleeves and terminal studs shall be examined for
mechanical damage such as cracking, bending, shearing, breaking, or loosening of parts.
Terminal studs exhibiting such mechanical damage after the application of rated torque shall
TABLE IX. Torque.
thread size
4.5.8 Salt spray (corrosion). Stud terminals shall be tested in accordance with
method 101 of MIL-STD-202 (see 3.9). The following details shall apply:
(a) Mounting of specimens - As specified in 4.5.2.
(b) Applicable salt solution - 5 percent.
(c) Test condition B.
(d) Examinations after exposure - Stud terminals shall be visually examined for exposure
of base metal and blistering of plated surfaces. Terminal studs exhibiting corrosion to the point
that the base metal is exposed or the plated surfaces exhibit blistering after the application of salt
spray shall result in the rejection of the first article (see 4.3.4).
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